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Someday...there will be help

about the realisation that you don't "fit in" and that heros from outsise only exist in movies.

I don't know since when exactly I started praying and hoping for someone (like a romantic relationship) or something (like an event where the earth is being hit by a meteroite or some bank crash erasing this damn system that made a majority of us slaves).

I think I started really hoping for some external "help" since about 2008 ... and 2012 with all its calendar mumble jumble (was the Aztek or some Indian calendar coming to an end) but ...

Nothing happened.

Since then, there have been every now and then the glimpse of a hope that something EXTERNAL would change but always resulted in me feeling disappointed because NOTHING happened. Life continued as usual, and so did my despair.

It is only very recently that I discovered that the "hero" and the "Major force" I was waiting for can be no one else than myself and the decision to take control over my life, respectively.

What a refreshing and simple finding, isn't it ?

How many of us have been hoping for a better life, sometime, somewhere? Am I the only one? I doubt it.

I bet there are millions of people out there, working as hard as mules, adapting to a life that is expected from their societies - by and large - and wishing they were someone else or somewhere else where they can be true to themselves.

I believe one of the issues is that we are raised to "become suitable members of society", which means nothing else than to play our role in a system that we did not create, but which relies on 100% adaption of the ones in in it.

You have the active members (the working class like myself and so many others) and the passive membership who benefit from it.

Of course, those benefiting from that system would not agree with me. But then, maybe we have different values.

What I consider a fair and good society is not defined by one person of one group of persons, it is, actually, a pretty subjective thing.

At this point in time it is not hard to conclude that I don't belong to those people that have the feeling that they "fit in". Quite the contrary.

What about you - do you "fit in"?

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